iPhone Development: Reading Objective-C Methods
When teaching Objective-C, I’m finding that some have trouble reading method signatures. Reading Objective-C methods can be made easier if proper spacing and indenting is used.
This is what a method looks like in Objective-C:
- (ret-type) keyword:(arg-type)arg-name keyword:(arg-type)arg-name
It is much easier to read if it is typed as such:
- (ret-type) keyword:(arg-type)arg-name
In the above signature, the minus sign implies that the method is an instance method. Class methods are prepended with a plus sign.
The first keyword can be thought of as the method name. In concrete terms, a method would look like this:
- (void) insertObject:(id)anObject atIndex:(NSUInteger)index
This is much easier to grok, if it is pictured like this:
- (void) insertObject:(id)anObject
And it can be read as “insert an object of type id at an index”. This is easier to read at the point where a method is called.
Array* array = [[Array alloc] init]];
[array inserObject:anObject
The above can be read as “insert an object into array at index 0”. Objective-C is designed to be a self-documenting language. Interfaces are generally designed such that they can be read in real English.